Photography adventure with beautiful skies and Artificial Lights.
The week began with a beautiful sunrise, which allowed me to complete this challenge early in the morning. It was quite convenient as I had to finish some work for a client.
On day 58, the light fell beautifully on the bark of the trees during my daily walk. This is another detail that catch my attention during my usual routine.
The following day was hectic, and I only had the opportunity to improvise during the last hours of the day. I used the KLM houses with my light wand to create an effect reminiscent of the northern lights.
Day 60 was dedicated to practicing with my gels and artificial lights. To be honest, I rely heavily on artificial lighting! Lately, I’ve been keen on experimenting with creative lighting for portraits. I feel this style combines elements of pop art with a modern twist. What are your thoughts?
Day 61 was incredibly cold! I went for a walk, and my hands were in pain. However, the clouds were stunning, and I couldn’t resist capturing some photos of them.
Yesterday, I felt extremely exhausted. Months of busyness and running around took a toll on my body. I decided to take an “easy” day, working on my website and learning more about it. At the end of the day, I captured a photo of a candle using artificial lights. The initial shot was taken in-camera, but I used Photoshop and AI to close the circle.
Day 62.
Today, the sky was breathtaking! Honestly, I believe Westhill boasts some of the best sunsets in the world, but let’s keep that as our little secret.